Saturday, December 15, 2012

So you think you want to be an Architect...

Some time ago I read an article about Justin Bieber [I’m still not sure why I did] where he stated that he would be an Architect if he wasn’t a Pop Star.  Similarly, this past week while I was at the Prometric Testing Center, I had a nice conversation with a gentleman who was taking exams to become a medical doctor.  He asked what test I was taking and I explained that I was taking my fourth of seven Architect Registration Examinations.  His response was “Wow! An Architect, you must be really good at math.”  Throughout my architectural career I have been confronted with these situations where people do not truly understand what an Architect is or does.  Therefore, I will make an attempt to clear up any misconceptions for the Justin Biebers, Doctors and any others of the world who discover my modest blog.     

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